Originally Posted by alansmithee
But there are many instances where students wanted to organize their own prayer, but one wackjob complains and the students aren't allowed. I could just as easily say that I have no issue with students performing immoral plays, but I have an issue with students living immorally which is what happens when you allow immoral plays.
Again, instead of just admitting the hypocrisy, you would prefer to try to draw a false conclusion. More power to you.
How the fuck is saying this "I have no issue with prayer, PROVIDED you do not tell me what God to pray to." hypocritical to anything?
If the team wants to organize prayer, let them just don't tell my kid which God he has to pray to or that he has to pray at all.
I am however stating that when you include school prayer, in most cases students are led in a Judeo-Christian prayer. THAT is dictating which God. That's why the Religious Right has such issues with "moment of silence or meditation", they believe that everyone must pray to the same God and out loud and that is wrong. Now, you show me a school that on Monday the school prayer is led by Hindus, Tues. led by Christians, Wed. led by Jews, Thurs. led by Muslims, and Friday led by Buddhists and the whole cycle of ALL religions is recognized, then I won't have a problem. But, no it's always the same religion, therefore showing support to it, while disregarding others, and that is against my rights.
I get the feeling you are arguing just to argue. But if you want to explain your argument please do.