Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
To give you an idea of the expectations of the Province of Ontario, if you skid (or hydroplane, or your ABS activates) during your road test, for any reason, you automatically fail your exam. You don't even get to finish, you simply drive back to the lot and get a big red "failede" stamped on your test sheet.
If you skid, you were going too fast for the conditions and you, as a licensed driver, should know better...
I don't know what the I-5 is like but here, you drive no faster than what is safe for your vehicle, regardless of what speed other people are driving. Most streets where congestion is possible have more than one lane, and the convention is that the right is the cruising lane and the left is the passing lane. If others can drive faster than you, they may pass you on the left so there's no reason why your speed should hold up traffic...
I'm sure Canada has a better, safer license system than the US(which is truly not that hard to achieve)...that has been the point of your posts for quite a while now. Does it mean that Canada is devoid of accidents? Certainly not.