i got a micosoft base station, wireless router, i was looking at the management tool and noticed this window
DHCP Client List - This section lists the computers and other devices that the base station detects on your network.
on this list there was the three computers of which i expected to see, plus a fourth, it's computer name was the same as my computer name, "laptop,"... but it has a different mac address, and if i remember correctly that is a number that never changes on computers?... i'm not 100% sure what this computer is, it might be the other laptop i've had on the network a week or soo ago.... do computers just stay on this list even after they log off, or how long do they stay on for... or whats the scope??
is there a way to monitor the computers on my network, or even something i could get that would list the active computers in a window?? to monitor their bandwith usage? see what they are doing online? the bandwith montioring part would be super awesome.... even more awesome to see what they are doing online with that bandwidth
i never really played around with networking much... i've done shared printers and shared folders... but not much more than that.... if anyone can enlightment me to what all else i could do, i wouldn't mind at all