I enabled it to test a couple machines then rapidly turned it off. Cheap adrenaline rush. Like when testing a virus/worm. Use it full-time? That'd be like crashing an in-law's car, or stumbling with the anthrax vial. Too many implications.
I generally approve of Google toys but this one is a self-imposed ankle grab.
There are a vast number of people who are uninformed and heavily propagandized, but fundamentally decent. The propaganda that inundates them is effective when unchallenged, but much of it goes only skin deep. If they can be brought to raise questions and apply their decent instincts and basic intelligence, many people quickly escape the confines of the doctrinal system and are willing to do something to help others who are really suffering and oppressed." -Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media, p. 195
Last edited by cyrnel; 02-12-2006 at 12:43 PM..