We're all responsible
I have been reading the post about the school play that was banned and two things became very apparent.
1) Everybody wants what they want and doesn't give a damn about what maybe best for the community. It doesn't seem to matter what the majority wants, or what is best, it matters who speaks the loudest, makes the most noise and has the most money for lawsuits. It doesn't matter if the people are taking away a freedom, all they see is what they want.
2) People aren't as active anymore, they either are too scared to worry, to blind to worry, not concerned enough or flatly too busy trying to make a living.
It's funny how people who fight for Guns, or Religious issues, and say the government is too big and has taken away freedoms, are usually the same people who speak out and demand government do something about the Howard Sterns, television, the arts, and so on. They don't want Big Brother telling them that they cannot own a gun and carry it anywhere they like (even if the majority in the community say they don't want guns there (i.e. San Francisco). Yet, they don't give a damn about the freedom of speech. Don't see them putting the same energy into saving Howard Stern or the school play, do you?
Same with Pro-Choicers. They put all their energy into saying they don't want government dictating whether abortion shouldn't be allowed, yet, if a community chooses to ban abortion they demand government to step in.
My point is, we all complain about how big government is and all the laws we have, yet we are all responsible for them, because we all have our issues that WE want government to protect.
We make it difficult because WE allow the minority voices to speak out and go against the wills of the majorities. What I find sad is whenever anyone says let the community decide and vote for what they want and if you don't like it move...... someone has to sue...... and who pays for the lawsuits against the government? TAXPAYERS. Wonder how much of our tax monies have to go to these fucked up lawsuits that work to overturn the voters voices?
It's a catch 22, and WE are all responsible for it.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"