In the intrest of being civil:
blizzak, YOU CAN NOT SEE BLACK ICE!! That's why they call it BLACK ICE!! Having lived in an area where there's black ice often during the winter, I can vouch for the fact that, even if driving slowly and cautiously, black ice (for the most part) can not be avoided because it simply cannot be seen.
"What we call black ice is frozen water -- either sleet or rain or from melted snow -- that freezes as a sheet and is not visible as ice," says Glen Hetzel, safety specialist with Virginia Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech. "The road looks the same as it always does, which is why it's so hard to detect, especially if you've been driving for awhile."
There are plenty of cases made by many people here saying what they do and do not consider an "accident." If something happening had nothing to do with me, then it's an accidnet. The guy ramming the end of my car while I'm trying to park because he tried to turn left on a yellow light is not my fault. I mean, what am I supposed to do- get out of my car and set up road flares for half a block so no one will come near my car while I'm trying to parallell park?
I've done plenty of stupid stuff in my car over the years, and I've avoided triple that number of stupid stuff. You cannot avoid every accident, you can just do whatever you can do to make sure you're not the cause of an accident.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous