Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
This is off-topic but I find this quite disturbing. According to pigglet, you can never have sex with a mentally challenged girl because we can never be sure if she's really consenting. Frankly, I find barring this girl from ever having sex even more cruel than "taking advantage" of her by giving her a good time...
Originally Posted by me
if I find an incredibly gorgeous woman, who is also mentally challenged and has limited capacity to make her own decisions and says "yes" to any question I ask her...am I free to ask her "can I have sex you?" and pending the "yes" hop on break it down? I would compare that level of consent to the type of consent that a horse can provide in this circumstance.
knife, its not the mentally challenged part that's specifically germane, it's the part
bolded...i mean that an appearance of "consent," where "consent" means not running for the hills like a screaming banshee, isn't necessarily the greenlight for getting your marvin gaye on.
so let me get this straight, so that i understand your position. you're dealing with someone who is either mentally challenged, or otherwise suffers from a psychological condition such that they answer "yes." to any question you ask them. you feel comfortable getting your swerve on with them? i'm not really sure that i feel that's appropriate. if i'm wrong, then hey - i guess i'll just have to disturb you with my "i'm going to shy away on the side of not raping the retarded girl" policy.
and hey
Originally Posted by eqinophile
Until you have friends who get fucked up the ass by horses or until you have lived among us and studied our horse-fucking rituals, you have no right to judge us
I'm guessing you might have a unique perspective on this subject. Are there any particular forms to these rituals to ensure consent? Do you just know when you look into those big milky brown eyes? They're just (excuse the pun) chomping at the bit? I've always shied away from people who fuck horses, I have to confess...but I'd be interested to know who it does down...errr...in....or you know, whatever.
ps. what part of the south are you referring to? please say not south carolina, please say not south carolina.