I cried twice in the workplace.
The first time was when my (ex)wife told me -- OVER THE 'KING PHONE -- that she'd been screwing a bloke she met online. I then had a few weeks off work and spent six months on Prozac.
The second time was when my boss and a selection of "yes men" ass-kissers had an impromptu meeting stood in my office, about my area of expertise, and when I pointed out (gently) that I had valid input, given the subject and location of the meeting, I was SHOUTED down by my boss. This came after nearly four months of being ignored, over-ruled, and then called in on formal disciplinary charges for failure to do my job (each time I did something my boss and his cronies un-did it and then punished me for it not being done), the week before this argument I'd been put on a formal charge for failing to attend work -- I was at the hospital having my daughter's broken arm re-set, and my boss had told me to "take as long as you need".
After six months of being ground down, I cried. Then I told him to fuck off. Then I walked off the job.
Overhead, the Albatross hangs motionless upon the air,
And deep beneath the rolling waves,
In labyrinths of Coral Caves,
The Echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand;
And everthing is Green and Submarine