Originally Posted by n0nsensical
In my opinion, it's totally irrelevant that we know they don't like portrayals of Mohammad. Islam doesn't like people eating pigs either; do we stop eating pigs because it offends Muslims? They are the ones with the problem here. It's their religion, not ours, we don't have to follow it, and we don't have to follow its anachronistic rules. That, the suggestion that we do have to follow its rules, is what I find offensive personally. Did the original publisher do it intentionally to piss them off? I don't know, and I don't care either, because it would be perfectly reasonable to print these cartoons without an intention to offend anyone as well.
There's no comparison between eating pigs and depicting their Prophet. Their prophet is considered a Holy, revered figure. Eating/not eating pigs isn't.
Pigs are eaten by alot of people from other religions, so it's not a private, holy matter. But who benefits by insulting a group of people by depicting what is prohibited in thier religion???
It's like showing Nazi cartoons with chopping Jew's heads off. I'm sure many, including me, would be very offended.