Thread: SB....
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Old 02-10-2006, 08:21 PM   #25 (permalink)
Dumb all over...a little ugly on the side
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Location: In the room where the giant fire puffer works, and the torture never stops.
btw, download and watch this video (from member cgesolo) and read his accompanying commentary below.

then try to tell me those calls were wrong.

Originally Posted by cgesolo
Now, on to the breakdowns.
Here is my personal breakdown of each Section.

Section 1 - Holding
Here you can clearly see the holding as Haggans comes right up the middle. He beats the linemen and proceeds to the QB. The linemen does the only thing he can do at that point and that to grab on and try to slow him down. Clear Cut.

Blocker cannot use his hands or arms to push from behind, hang onto, or encircle an opponent in a manner that restricts his movement as the play develops.

Result: Good Call by the Refs

Section 2 - Holding
Here we see holding on Farrior as he rushing the weakside. The lineman is on Farriors back with his arm up under Farriors throat. Call me silly, but I do not think your allowed to put people in a headlock.

Blocker cannot use his hands or arms to push from behind, hang onto, or encircle an opponent in a manner that restricts his movement as the play develops.

Result: Good Call by the Refs

Section 3 - Offesive Pass Interference
I really can't believe some people are actually say this is a bs call. You can clearly see that both D-Jack and Hope have their arms on each other. This is fine because they are both fighting for position, just as Holmgren says. The Ref, who is only 1-2 yards behind them, will allow players to touch when fighting for position. The problem come in when Hasselbeck starts running around. At that point, he points to D-jack to move over. Here you see D-Jacks arm come out and full extend. When that happens, you can clearly see Hopes hips move backwards and his feet start to leave the ground. The reason for this is because of the force of the push. If there had not been any force from D-Jacks arm, then Hopes chest would have moved forward, his hips would have moved backwards and only one of his feet would have left the ground as he started to run forward. You also would have seen him bend his knees in a forward motion in order to start up his stride. The bottomline is that D-Jack would have been able to catch the ball without the push. The pushoff was to keep hope out of the way.

One more note, the Ref was actually going for his flag at almost the exact same time as when Hope started calling for one. His hand came up to throw it, but he missed the flag. He can see him looking down to find it and then actually throw it. The Ref went to call that before D-Jack ever actually had control of the ball.

Result: Good Call by the Refs

Section 4 - Ben's TD
This is very simple actually. The call on the field was a touchdown. You can see in the replay that the VISIBLE part of the ball came ATLEAST within an inch of crossing. So by that fact, it is very easy to say that an inch of the ball we couldn't see did in fact break the plane. You can also clearly see that Ben's elbow does cross the goal. Given the way he was holding the ball, that would mean that the point of the ball was on the inside of his elbow. So the question comes in, did the inside of his elbow cross, if so then TD. If not, then there still isnt any proff that it didn't and the call still stands.

On a side note, I think ben might have actually fumbled the ball into the endzone. Again though, there isn't enough proof to support that.

Result: Good Call by the Refs

Section 5 - Holding on Kick
To be honest, there is only 1 show of this play and it is from the backside, away from the play. So personally, I have no idea.

Result: Unknown

Section 6 - Offsides Haggans
See for yourselves, that boy is fast on the gun. However, he doesn't get across the line any faster than Hampton does. No call on play. Watch Hampton, he moves when the ball moves, yet him and Haggans make it across the lin at the sametime.

Result: Good Non-Call by the Refs

Section 6b - Holding
On the same play as the Offsides one, there was another holding call on Haggans. He is seen rushing the weakside again and Locklear is the linemen. You see the same thing as before, Haggans beats the linemen, and the lineman grabs the front of his jeresy and pulls him backwards. Now, I don't know about the rest of your guys, but if the linemen is looking at the defenders back and is grabbing his front, then thats holding.

Blocker cannot use his hands or arms to push from behind, hang onto, or encircle an opponent in a manner that restricts his movement as the play develops.

Result: Good Call by the Refs

Section 7 - Offsides Haggans
Same thing as before, he is fast on the draw, but does not break the line before Hampton does. You can clearly see that he has a bead on the play count. Same as above, Hampton moves when the ball moves and they both cross the line at the same time.

Result: Good Non-Call by the Refs

Section 8 - Horse Collar Porter
Here is the deal, they just started this Horse Collar thing and to date there hasnt been that many calls for it. So I am not sure what is required for it to be called. Even Madden said that it was close to one. So if that was close, then what is an actually call? There is nothing in the rulebook about it. Here is what I did find though.

The ban states that a horse-collar tackle is an open-field tackle in which a defender uses the shoulder pads to immediately bring a ballcarrier down. The term "open field" means that horse-collar tackles committed near the line of scrimmage will be allowed; in addition, the stipulation of "immediately bringing the ballcarrier down" means that, if a defender begins to bring a player down by the shoulder pads but lets go before the tackle is completed, he will not be penalized.

The fact that Porter had his right arm in a normal tackling on the players body and his left hand on the collar, tied in with the fact that he didnt immediately bringing the ballcarrier down, would suggest that it was no foul.

Result: Unknown

Section 9 - Low Block
Personally I think he was trying to hit the guy beside Ike. If he makes contact with the guy to Ike's left then there is no call, but the fact that he did not have his arms out to make a tackle, coupled by the fact that his should went low makes it a low block. I think if he had hit Ike's escort or if he had had his arms out to tackle, then he wouldn't have been called.

Result: Good Call by the Refs
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz

I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...
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