Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
Percy... Martin's campaign WAS run on those premises. His commercials were positive, and he never once attacked his opponent. But you didn't see many of his advertisements on TV. All you saw was the mock news broadcasts that Harper had running 24/7. This election was won in the media, on the backs of gun violence and the Gomery inquiry, which if you'll remember exonorated Martin... The whole thing was a big clown show, it wasn't based on who would do a better job at governing.
I respect your opinion, but the first thing I thought of when I read this was, "Did this person actually follow the campaign." No offence Ace, but the majority of ads the Liberals ran made me cringe, not because they were Liberal ads but because they were really beyond negative and as said before, had really nothing to do with fact or reality. From my perspective, the Conservative attack ads just added the icing on the cake, the cake the Liberals baked for themselves.
In the last week Martins campaign finally had him in ads that made him look and sound priministerial rather than a rabid pitbull but by that time it was to late, the damage was done. Having said that, probably saved a minority instead of majority. Aside from that, Charlatans post hit the nail on the head.