Thanks so much guys for your help!
I think volunteering will be a good thing to do in the meantime while I'm looking for a job. I really want to have something that will get me out of bed before noon- a job, or a volenteer oppurtunity, or something. I also have not really thought of checking out a temp agency, but that is a very good idea- my brother got the position he is in right now (at Lowe's headquarters) through doing some temp work.
As to the cover letter, I always make sure mine are professional and taylored to meet the needs of who I'm sending it to. I taylor the resume too towards the job I'm applying for.
The allumni association I will check out- do I just go up there and be like "I need a job point me towards people to network with"? I think I'll drop by the career center too, the lady I work with there is *very* nice but I think they're more into helping you once you know where your resume will be going.
The networking thing I know is important but I'm not sure how to do it... I feel kinda silly marching into a buisness and asking to speak to the person who does the hiring. I am not sure what direction to come from when looking for a job- how confident to be, what to say, that sort of thing. I want to come across as my personable, reasonable, faublous self but I feel like that's hard to do with the pretext of "getting a job" hanging over my head. Are there any books you guys would recommend that would help?
I never expected it to be this difficult to really get a job- the first two jobs I had (the camp counselor and the hospital job) I got through.. well, networking! I guess it really does work!
I have a domain name registered- we're supposed to have snow this weekend so I'll work on getting my resume posted up there for anyone here who wants to take a gander at it.
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for your help- it really is a confidence booster and it is helping me feel like getting a job really is something I can do