I understand your points. I do NOT wish to trample on the First Ammendment. I'm all for people with different opinions. I understand that they are currently protected. I don't believe they should be. Not because I disagree with their message, but because I feel they are harming peopl in the process of distributing that message. Yes, it can be argued that harm is done to Black Americans by letting the KKK hold rallies. I prefer to believe there is a difference between a hate group holding a public rally, and a hate group protesting near a private event that is not DIRECTLY TIED to what they are protesting against. Are they against the soldiers? I say yes, but you seem to disagree. If they are NOT against the soldiers, how does their protesting at the funerals tie into their point? Wouldn't public protests at points of legislation be more effective. While they basically admit to just wanting press, they'd get it either way. The way they are going about their business, however, DIRECTLY harms their cause... which I understand is certainly not illegal. But it also DIRECTLY harms the lives of the mourners invovled.
As a side note, while it has nothing to do with laws, the book they are using to call us all sinners would not have them desecrating a sacred event such as a funeral either. Again, not a legal matter, just another point of irritation.
I still don't agree that my wishes would trample first ammendment rights. They're free to hate. They're free to march, picket, rally, et cetera. I do NOT see how time or distance laws are anti-First Amendment. Perhaps someone just needs to shed some light on it for me. *shrug*