If people who are given money for food, clothing and shelter to survive and use it as such, that I don't mind. Blowing your welfare check in a casino, to bad. But the problem is a many.
I won't get into reasons why casinos should or shouldn't exist. That's what personal responsibility is for. Have a problem with responsibility? Seek help.
But for people on welfare, I think the government should make them work for it. Pick up garbage on the streets, plants flowers, do something. Show you have the interest, initiative, desire, dignity, pride etc to become a better person. Throwing money at people doesn't establish anything except a mindset where free means free and easy. Then when people get used to doing what everyone else is doing, working for a living, see if they would like to educate themselves, for a job that pays more money. If not,your free money isn't free and more, just that yuo'll be working for peanuts.
However, I support social insurance for layed off workers. People educate themselves, find employment and work hard, are productive members of society and because of a downturned economy or whatever loss their jobs. They have paid into the system, will return to the system as quickly as possible so the money handouts for this instance are warranted, for a time being. But if they chose to blow their money also in a casino, well that's not something I lose sleep over.