Daoust is twenty-seven years old and was raised in a strong two parent home.
He lives in Canada and cannot fluently speak french.
He is an avid television watcher - he is a fan of Scrubs, Survivor, and Lost. He also watches quite a few movies, Requim for a Dream struck a deep chord in him. He also watches football, and is learning to play guitar. He is a fan of Sarah Harmer and a self proclaimed "Dead Head." He also has strong opinions when it comes to politics and religion.
He owns a Toyota Echo, and got into an accident with it near Christmas. He didn't want to purchase the vehicle, but his wife did.
He as a little girl and has another child on the way. He believes in spanking his children.
He works part time as an public elementary school teacher, and feels as though he's a failure because he isn't able to fully support his family.
He is married, but thinks about cheating on his wife constantly. He has had sex both in a car and outside. When he has an orgasm, he is quiet. His wife will not have anal sex with him. He seldom thinks about his wife when he as sex with her.
It is possible, perhaps likely, that he is addicted to porn. He looks at it at work often, even though if he is caught it may cost him his job.
Some people may also view him as hypocritical, as his pet peeve is people that worry about offending others too much, says that he is callous, but then has issues with other people utilizing the word "retarded" on someone who is, in fact, retarded.
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...
Last edited by NoSoup; 02-09-2006 at 02:14 PM..