actually retarded is the proper name isnt it?
It was just overly used by kids as an adjective synonym to dumb... kinda like "gay" i.e. this video game is gay.
however the fact still stands that retarded is a proper term. can we stop for 1 minute in the country worrying about not offending something or wondering if something is or isnt offensive. you will never win. you will ALWAYS offend someone, because some people just arent happy unless they are bitching.
I can easily call the amish "horsefuckers" on here because why? they dont look at the internet. (now i know ill get a bunch of people telling me about different sects of amish, many of whom use modern technology... it was a joke people. much like the bomb on mohammeds head... its a joke. RELAX, settle the fuck down, and stop worrying about words said, pictures drawn, and text written. live your life and stop worrying about not offending someone else... you'll a much happier person.
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