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Old 02-09-2006, 07:40 AM   #10 (permalink)
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
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Location: Paradise Regained
There are days as a teacher, especially when I was a substitute that if I were a female, or a male who wore his emotions closer to the surface, I would have cried a river!!!! Kids can be rotten some times!

However, I have learned that certain students actions are not meant to intentionally hurt me. I have learned to dissociate my self, my professional and personal self from a beligerent childs behaviour. I don't take ownership or blame for it. It helps me separate work and home.

In part I don't like criers in the workplace because I can't handle that kind of vulnerability being shown in such a public place. In my head, crying is for spouses to see, not coworkers. Crying is for bedrooms and bathrooms and quiet places. I don't know, maybe I'm emotionally off my rocker...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys
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