A book they showed in the episode, i believe locke was looking at it was "an occurence at owl creek bridge"
I want to say this is by ambrose bierce but anyways it deals with "stream of consciousness"
The book goes something like this:
A man is being hanged for his crimes, the floor drops out, he falls and the rope breaks, he cant believe it and starts running into the forest. People are chasing him and hes running and running and running. He is free and he cant believe that he didnt die, he runs all the way back to his house to see his wife. The whole story is this long journey home from the place where he was supposed to be hung. The story ends with him hanging from the rope dead.
He lived hours and hours in his mind in the 2 seconds it took for him to drop from the beam and be hung.
His mind and the human mind can do this, think about a million things in a split second.
now dont quote me on exactly how this book goes, i havent read in 10 years but i remember a lot of it and basically the story.
Could this be a clue about the lost gang, could the plane have actually crashed and all of what has been goin on, is simply in someones mind ?
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