Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
I made the assumption, based on your posts (which I have read), that you are a proponent of the bill to ban cell phone use which, in my opinion, is no different than having a conversation (with the hands free set). If this is a poor assumption then I apologise. Otherwise, I think it follows...
They are a bit different. An adult passenger can recognize context and pause the conversation, or stop interrupting when the situation warrants terror. Callers have little or no indication of what's going on around you and will split your attention without knowing the difference. It's more like having a child in the back seat, which can be extremely disconcerting in a stressful driving situation.
Anyway, just picking nits. You're right there are other distractions, and people handle them differently. If we could create a cone of isolation for drivers I'd vote for it, assuming it didn't contribute to more drivers falling asleep.