Originally Posted by Redjake
did anyone see the mythbusters episode where they pitted cell phone users against drunk people at a driving test?
a person talking on a cell phone (hand held cell phone, no headset) and a person blowing a .08 on the alcohol breath test had to both do a road course with cones set up.
the same people did the test. the round with the cell phone yielded HORRIBLY worse results than the .08 *
*this doesn't condone drinking and driving. just showing how bad cell phone driving is.
that was an awesome mythbusters..
to their credit, though, they were merely answering the phone and answering questions while driving a beginner's course (accident avoidance, stopping, parallel parking, driving a course at a set speed, nothing at all tricky and something most of us do on a daily basis..ok, maybe not parallel parking, but still...)
Now, the drunks failed the tests as well, but not NEARLY as bad as the cell phone drivers..