People tend to get arrogant when they're in a 4WD car. As has been said, no one is really taught how to drive properly here in the US- have you ever watched people try to parallel park? They're supposed to know that stuff already!
Anywho, I think a lot of people get cocky when they're in a 4WD car- like having 4WD means you can take on snow and sleet and ice and be totally fine. 4WD is not a miracle, it's just what keeps you from sliding all over the road when it's covered in snow. I say these things from having a 4WD, from having parents who have 4WD, and from growing up in an area that has a lot of nasty winters where some people with 4WD just don't get it.
I feel bad for the kid- that's really sucky to have to have your life cut too short because your mom was being a moron. But as for the mom... no, I do not sympathize. There comes a certian age, in my opnion, where you have to start taking responsibility for your actions, good or bad, and accept the consequences. That is the age where sympathy should not be given unless sought after. If she were alive and had learned something from her actions, I'd empathize with her learning process. However, if she were alive and hadn't learned a thing from what happened, I'd hope it would happen to her again so she'd learn how to be a responsible person.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi