Originally Posted by KnifeMissile
Certainly not all accidents are avoidable. A branch falling from a tree is a good example of this. But, let me ask you something... Do you think your grandfather could have avoided his accident if he were driving at half the speed he was? What about a third? A quarter? In the vast majority of situations, it is the easiest way to make a trip more safe...
In France (yup), the usual regulation to drive in inclement weather is 20 km/h below the normal speed limit. He was not going above that speed. Of course, if you drive a lot slower, you won't get in accidents, but you can't always do that..there's other cars on the road, one of which in this situation lost a bit of control.
And it doesn't take a lot of speed to lose most of your friction with the road. accidents happen. driving slow isn't the unique solution to a guaranteed safe trip, and isn't always an option.