Getting a Job
I need a job... more so than that, I WANT a job. A nice, steady income, regular hours, that sort of thing. I'm a bright, intelligent, well-educated young woman who looks like a totally normal person and who went to a good school. I have a BA degree. I'm not a bum, I have a good work history...
So, how the hell do I get a job? All of the jobs in the newspaper are for secretary work, or for waitresses (and those all want you to be expierenced). I have absloutely *no* idea what I'm supposed to be doing to get a job.. the last four or five jobs I applied to I was clearly qualified for (overqualified for some of them, really) and I didn't even get a callback, just called them up a week after I submitted my resume` only to get a "the position has been filled."
I am torn between saying "fuck it" and doing nothing (which finanacially I can do for a while) and getting really, really pissed off at the fact that I actively want a job and would be great at a job, yet can't get a fucking job!!
Where should I even begin to start?
and if this has been covered extensively before, please direct me to the right place
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi