Protected folder access question
I've just completed an upgrade (new CPU, mobo, RAM, Hard Drive and sound card) and discovered I made a potentionaly costly mistake. I decided to forgo backing up many of the files on my old hard drive figuring that I'd just format and install windows on the new one and then copy the files from the old once everything was up and running.
The upgrade was a success and I'm now running everything off the new hard drive but when I went to copy my saved Favorites and other files I discovered that I cannot access the My Documents folder off the old hard drive to do so. I get an error telling me that Access is denied. I'm assuming this is because I had the folder protected under my old setup.
Is there a way that I can access this folder without having to yank all the new hardware out and reinstalling the old so that I can boot up windows using the old hard drive and change the folder permissions? Is it possible to just reinstall windows on that hard drive without reformating and losing the information so that I can access it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!