Originally Posted by smooth
And the cop knew this how?
You're making points after the fact that the people in the situation had no knowledge about.
My post was speaking from the officer's perspective at the time.
There doesn't appear to by any doubt that the cop knew the victim was not the driver.
Originally Posted by smooth
Well, whatever man. This isn't going anywhere. I was just positing a different perspective that no one seems willing to entertain. It's just a plausible explanation, something to ponder on instead of lamenting the brutality of this loose cannon. I wasn't there and neither were you.
I never said the cop was in the right and he probably doesn't think he was either, in retrospect.
It's very easy to see how both of the actors in this situation thought they were doing the right thing at the time without too much difficulty or stretching of the information.
I heard SOMEONE say "get up" twice. The only justification I could see for the shooting would be if it was not Webb, the cop, who said it.
However, you also hear someone on the tape (identified on the news show I saw as "neighbor) saying, "Why'd you shoot him when you told him to get up?"
I'm anxious to hear what the witnesses say. Although they're doing their best to get rid of the taper, who had, I think, an outstanding warrant in another state.