this guy is going to get nailed in court. let's look at it from both angles:
he told the guy to "get up" and then shot him when he got up. he is fucked. FUCKED!
second angle: he told the guy to "don't get up." then the guy tried to get up. then he unloaded on him. he is fucked, still. why?
because he didn't have any proof or reason that the guy was going for a gun! you are only supposed to "incapacitate" a person if you know they are getting ready to endanger their life. the guy wasn't going for his pocket (from what the video shows), didn't even get the guy any 'tude. he even said he was on his side! NOT TO MENTION, the officer could have kicked the guy or something when he tried to get up, not shoot him multiple times. he unloaded on the poor guy.
this is a simple case of "my adrenaline is rushing, I have a gun, I'm ancy, please don't move or I will shoot you accidently"
reminds me of the scene in goldeneye when orimov and his soldiers are watching James walk behind the big cart of explosive barrels. orimov tells none of them to shoot, the one soldier gets ancy and fires, orimov wastes the guy. same thing happened here, except no one was there to waste the officer.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.