Originally Posted by dksuddeth
well, it only took til the second page before the disrespect at a funeral turned to political partisanship and blame laying.
And you are surprised by this?
As I stated before, the psuedo outrage by the Neo-cons was and is nothing more than grandstanding and an act at trying to play that they are better and have more class.
As shown above, they attack anyone who dares hjave an opinion different than them and they will use someone's faults (addictions, illnesses, and so on) to try to bully, harrass and silence, because they can't win on issues. But I guess seeing how people aren't outraged that they use those forms of attacks it's ok to hurt people, but heaven forbid activists speak out at the funeral of an activist against the President.
Yet, when it comes down to it, the only thing that truly bothered them at the funeral was that people spoke the truth against Bush.
Again, I am waiting to hear how nonpartisan and how glowingly Coulter, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and so on spoke of Mrs. King the past few days.
I'm sure they in no way shape or form used her death to make partisan grandstandings.
Again, she was a political activist who spoke out, and as such perhaps people spoke out the way they believed she would have wanted them to.