Originally Posted by Ustwo
Carter does nothing effectual, Reagan wins, and the Iranians were scared shitless that he would invade and handed them over.
Now we get to deal with a nuclear Iranian wack job of a government, a government that would not exsist if, Carter had the stones then.
Do you really want to get into this?
If Eisenhower and Churchill handn't overthrown the elected government of Mohammed Mossadegh and then propped up the Shah's subsequent brutal regime (all so they could keep oil money flowing into US and UK companies), there wouldn't have been eventual overthrow of the Shah by fundamentalist forces. Fundamentalist forces that took the US Embassy by strom and lead to the spread of fundamentalism, in general, in throughout the region.
American policy has and continues to exacerbate the whole "issue of the Middle East". To quibble over who did what seems rather pointless.
Pretty much the whole history of American involvment in the Middle East has been one giant fuck up.