I'm a Duke fan.. and I even admit that the refs fucked up in the FSU game. Tennessee is pretty impressive this year. I don't think they'll do much in the big tourney but to come out of nowhere is respectable.
As far as JJ goes, I love the kid. He's worked so hard to get where he is and he's just pure. However, I don't want him to beat Dawkins' record for some reason. I'm sure Johnny doesn't care but I'd like for him to keep it.
I don't think the Duke/UNC game would have been so close if McRoberts and Williams hadn't been in foul trouble. Add that to the fact that Duke didn't make a fg in about (total) 10 mins+ and you have the reason it was such a close game. I don't really care if it's a one point win or a blowout.. as long as Duke wins