Originally Posted by martinguerre
lemme get this straight.
a known progressive has a funeral. progressive/lefty things are said at this memorial. people are surprised.
As for carter's remarks...that King was targeted by secret wiretaps is a matter of record. We can't forget that the memory we claim to honor now was of a movement deeply targeted by our government from the highest levels as subversive.
The only thing i can't figure is why a fragile political figure would want to be at an iconoclast's funeral.
Now this reminded me of something, besides a lack of class the democrats have these days at funerals.
Many years ago I heard someone say that for the hard core leftist, their politics has replaced the traditional place in their lives religion holds for some people. She apparently wasn't a Christian but a 'known progressive' and as such this should not be used to celebrate her life but to advance others political agendas because they are also 'progressives'.

At least in the Reagan funeral they just slept and kep their mouths shut