Originally Posted by seretogis
I too saw the Wellstone memorial and it was nothing short of repulsive. Funerals/memorials are solemn events to remember the people who have passed, nothing more.
Wrong. This is the biggest error I think most people are making here.
What you've presented is just your idea of what a funeral should be. However, it is not the only definition. Quite often, when a man or woman has died after living a long and accomplished life, their loved ones choose to honor them with a joyous celebration of their life rather than a solemn memorial. Similarly, when someone has dedicated their life to improving the world we live in through political action, their loved ones will often choose to honor them by reminding everyone of what they accomplished and what remains to be accomplished.
The bottom line is that this is not our funeral. This was a funeral for Coretta Scott King and her loved ones. They chose to honor her this way and I respect their wishes. They knew her better than any of us did.