Finally benched my own body weight for the first time ever a week ago. 275 lbs @ 6 reps. (Currently weighing in at 260- was 320 a year and a half ago... thanks goodness I don't have to try and press that!)
Anyways... for those that have access to Exhibition check this out... (if you like) Shows my progress for most of last year up to recent.
I am doing well... and the pounds are still coming off! I will be skinny for once in my life at least!!
Another accomplishment... I can run for 20 minutes on the treadmill @ 5.5 mph 1.5 incline. A major accomplishment for someone like myself.
There are breakthroughs that I have been making in the gym but won't bore you with them... as I have talk enough as it is!!
Cheers all... look forward to hearing more!
ps... soma what was yours?