Originally Posted by djtestudo
The holding call that called back the touchdown (and had Madden and Michaels confused as hell as to how it was called).
Do you mean this holding call when he clearly had his arm hooked under Haggan's arm and his hand grabbing his facemask?
Originally Posted by djtestudo
The Roethlisberger touchdown (inconclusive, and I know why it was not overturned, but at full speed you have to be completely incompetant to call that a touchdown if you are the line judge).
If you see where Ben's right hand is in this pic.....and know it's grabbing the football......sure looks to me that it's BARELY over the beginning of the white line.
Come on guys......there has NEVER been a perfectly officiated NFL game. If you watched football every Sunday, you saw horrible calls every week. The best teams overcame them and won anyway. The end.
Go to the Seahawks web page and watch the video "IF only" both players and their offensive coordinator say they lost because they didn't have ANY big plays and they couldn't stop the Steelers 3 big plays. They aren't crying about the refs. Pay special attention to what Haskell says about penalties.