Originally Posted by NCB
There wont be any change in NC. Dole is up for reelection and will win again. The House races will end up the same as they are now.
Elizabeth Dole was elected in 2002 she is not up for
re-election untill 2008
In 2008 I will see who is the best canidate
so far Mrs. Dole has done a good job
Who ever runs against her will have a HUGE up hill battle.
My Representative is Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor
he is a lifelong, multi-generational politician and a criminal
He owns a credit union that is under constant investigation
He owned a bank in Russia that went into default, then
used the ethics committee to hide behind.
He was taken to court by the county after refusing to
pay property tax on a tree farm he owns, he lost
He is being challenged by a ex football player
that I know very little about, other than a five minute interview
on the local channel. and his campaign page
Heath Shuler
in comparison my cat is more electable than both
this one will go down to people who choose R or D
I will be voting Libertarian just to try to get them that 3%
for campiagn funding.
Edit in looking around I found another challenger
Michael Morgan
So far I like this guy I'll have to find out more about him
his gun control policy
My concept of gun control is being able to hit your target, preferably while using either hand
Sounds more like a libertarian running on the democrat ticket
I love these mountain people