Originally Posted by smooth
I don't see how it's relevant to correct me whether he was the driver or the passenger, but whatever.
My only point in the correction was to show that this isn't the guy that was running from the cops. He may or may not have been trying to get the driver to stop or he could very well have been egging him on. Given that he's in law enforcement, the standard will probably be for the former.
Originally Posted by smooth
You two are assuming he knows the drill and that assumption leads you to conclude that he must be following orders. The fact is that military police are not analogously trained as civilian police and he probably doesn't "know" the drill, but more than likely thinks he knows the drill, which is precisely my point.
Although on the face of it he doesn't appear to "know" the drill because as I described in my earlier post, the "drill" is you lay on your face until the police move you. In what situation do you think MP's operate in an analogous situation? In actual combat? or in guarding prisoners? In what realm of experience do you think an MP tells suspects to "get up" before securing the situation? Which is why I suspect that many of you have no actual experience with being accosted by the cops. In what universe do you think cops tells suspects to stand up after they've chased them down?
The "drill" is to do whatever the cop tells you. Sometimes cops order suspects to stand up, turn around and walk backwards towards them. There are multiple ways that PO's deal with suspects, and it all depends on the circumstances. If the cop was alone with a single suspect and needed to secure him quickly and didn't know if there was a weapon underneath his body, the easiest way to secure him might be to have him stand, turn around with hands laced and walk backwards where he can be cuffed and patted down. You're right that I've never been "accosted" by the cops, but I have enough friends on the force in Chicago to know that there are multiple ways in the manual to deal with varying circumstances. The ones that have seen the video that I've discussed this shooting with all say that the cop was in the wrong, although a couple of them think that the victim probably should have done a better job of idenifying himself as LE.