Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I just restarted tracking my food intake with my computer program in preparation for Lent, which is coming up at the end of the month. Each Lent I attempt to make a positive dietary change. The goal isn't necessarily weight loss, but rather an awareness of "you are what you eat". This year's goal is decreased sugar intake by eliminating sources of excess and refined sugar (think soda, candy, cookies) as well as things that have high fructose corn syrup hiding in them (lots of commercial breads).
My goal is to use Lent to bust through my weight loss plateau (I lost 20 lbs last spring, went from 185 to 165, mostly from illness) and drop another 9 lbs. to get down to 155 by Memorial Day.
This morning's weigh-in: 164.
Welcome to the Tfp weight watchers!
sounds like you've got a good solid goal and for a good reason... Lent is difficult (i was rasied catholic, and i always used to give up something i didn't like, i cheated)

anyway, welcome and come here anytime you want to talk about how it's going, shoot the breeze or just be your sexy self