2 stroke 4 stroke double tripple
With the impending onset of spring I have been watching craigslist and ebay for a street bike. I have found a couple old suzuki and kawasaki 2 strokes. One is a 2 cylinder and there are a couple of other 3 cylinders. I also found a '78 cb400. I had one of these when I was in highschool. I really liked it a lot. I like the shape of bikes from that vintage with cafe bars. The smaller 2 cylinder was really easy turn on curvy mountain roads. I also had an '81 cb900 4 cylinder. I liked the additional power but found the bigger bike to be much less manageable on the curves. This is why I'm considering the 2 strokes. I figure I will get the power and the small package. I was wondering if anyone had an opinion regarding 2 stoke vs. 4 stroke & 2 cylinder vs 3 cylinder. Maybe I'de be better off with a newer v-twin. ??? -Garett