Jesus fuckin christ. Just nuke that entire section of the god damn earth and let us be done with it. As an individual who finds all religions ridiculous, there is not one that stands out as more of a nuisance than Islam. You can find cultures with more malicious intents. You can find religions who don't even profess peace. But you cannot find a more obnoxious, annoying and dangerous choice of lifestyle than that of radical Islam.
I'm gonna offend a lot of people by saying this, sure. I've had it though. I don't hold much sacred at all, and I don't profess to even understand what the fuck is going through the minds of these radicals. I'm also aware that they do not represent every single muslim in existence. With all that said, just nuke the motherfuckers the minute they have the gall to terrorize people of different beliefs simply because they do not agree. It's fucked and there is no justification.
We all share this planet, and after thousands of years to get adjusted, if you cant HANG with people who are DIFFERENT than you, you gotta go. Period.
Part 2.
That's exactly what they're thinking right now. Just swap their culture with ours. How do we resolve this? Is there even a way at all? Do we even want to? To begin, to have any shred of hope, I feel it's important to not even take the stance of Part 1 of my post. In fact, I should hope that those who are in charge of resolving this do not feel that they are AGAINST the Muslim people, and that they must force them to cope.
That is not to say they don't have to. It's all in how you present it to the people, though. Humans, in large masses, are dumb as fuck. Even angry, violent and empassioned ones. Hell, ESPECIALLY those ones. Dress up your message properly and they'll swallow it like it was an instant headache relief pill.
Part 3.
My own, real opinion. Often, people forget that NOW is simply a result of THEN. The FUTURE will be a result of NOW. I feel that the destructive and violent tendencies of these radicals will ultimately be the cause of their collapse, regardless of how they are dealt with now. They will be the reason for their own demise. When it happens, it will be not a moment too soon. It's a shame it will happen slowly.
Funny though.
The same could be said about us.