Originally Posted by ngdawg
One last suggestion: My doctor gave me this idea when my son was only 5 weeks old and both nursing followed by a bottle didn't keep him sleeping long:
mix a couple of tablespoons of rice cereal with about a teaspoon of breast milk(or formula if wife doesn't nurse) in a small bowl. It should be the consistency of rice pudding. Put a small amount on a baby spoon and see if she sucks it off. If she does, she can take some. If she rejects it, no. Give her this cereal about an hour or so before bed. If she sleeps longer, she was awaking from hunger. Worked for Daniel. Doctor said under no circumstances should the cereal be mixed into a bottle. If they can't take it by eating it, they aren't ready to eat, period. And yes, I did mean 5 weeks. Kid was a freakin bear about eating
See, now our doctor said that the current trend is to hold off solid foods of any kind until 6 months. He also said no cereal in the bottle (though my sister has done this with her daughter for months....not that it gets her to sleep through the night...). Our daughter is 5 months now and simply won't take the cereal (either spits it out or later spits it up) so no help there. I don't mind (much) getting up to feed her, it's just when seh won't go back to sleep.
I first posted this in a 3 day stretch of really bad sleep, but she seems to have regulated back to her common 3 naps during the day and 1 or 2 feedings at night, so I think we're fine for awhile. She also didn't poop for about 2 1/2 days in that stretch, so something was going on in her growth pattern that upset her digestive system.