Originally Posted by abaya
They're not any better. But nor are they any worse. It is precisely because of the material conditions of both groups that any ideology of violence or looting becomes justifiable, not the other way 'round. I ask people on this thread to carefully examine the infrastructure (material conditions), NOT the superstructure of the cultures involved (e.g. religious/free press ideology) for answers to this debate.
Most social science issues come down to material conditions and inequality; everything else grows out of that, including religion.
I am a cultural-materialist anthropologist to the core, and this Danish cartoon issue has only confirmed this stance.
This is utterly wrong.
Most of the terrorists do not come from poverty, and many come from very well off families (Osma being the very classic example).
Its not poverty that makes one a violent asshole, its culture, be it the culture of the ghetto in New Orleans, or the death cult that is modern Islamic thought.