LPM - I am now in your boat. Because I may or may not have had a pelvic infection 3 years ago - based on finding ureaplasma cells, which, by the way, you will have if you've even SEEN a member of the opposite sex naked, and then the colposcopy based on that, jesushrooseveltchristthathurt, which found a little tiny bit of lymphoid aggregates that weren't enough for diagnostic purposes but were mentioned - based on this, this makes her think I might become infertile and I haven't had kids yet, so she doesn't want to give me an IUD. She wants me on diaphragms instead, which I am so not thrilled about (don't like yet more spermicide, icky, and I'm MARRIED I WANT TO HAVE FREE AND EASY SEX GODDAMMIT)............. plus that whole meh effectiveness rate...
I am so frustrated. She told me I could quite easily find someone who would, but I really wanted to convince HER - she already knows me, my history, etc. Now I have to find someone else I can trust who agrees with me, but now I'm nervous that maybe I'm wrong.