Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Was their initial reason not to see if the artists would self censor themselves? Something that a lot of people seem to do in relation to Islam far more than they do for say Christianity (just look at the GIS I posted, imagine "Muhammed Lol" as a picture series?).
That was their reason for asking people to submit the cartoons. Their reason for publishing them was to see how far Muslims could be provoked, to "test the limits of acceptance," as they put it.
Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Its hardly a childish example. Is printing images of the Japanese/Chinese war offensive (lots of corpses, mass graves etc?), its a historical fact which the Japanese basically say didn't happen... am I offending them? Or perhaps we should ensure that all Western women wear Burkhas outside for fear of upsetting Islam?
It is a very childish example. There are no truths here. This is not historical fact. We don't even know if this is a standpoint shared by the newspaper. All they were interested in was to offend and gauge reaction.