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Old 02-05-2006, 11:23 PM   #61 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Read a book.
Learn a trade.
Practice Public Speaking.
Make Mistakes.
Eat Healthy Foods.
Volunteer to help Others.
Associate with Good People.
Work Hard.
Show up on Time.
Have Pride.
Get a mentor.
Treat Others with Respect.
Yes, those would help Bill, to some degree but when you are cutting education, making it more and more unaffordable to the lower classes there isn't much of a way to move up now is there?

I know people are probably sick of hearing it, but my father was dirt poor, one of the poorest families in Mansfield. He got ahead with drive and government sponsored mentor programs and student loans and grants. Now he is one of the richest most well respected men in the area (deservedly so for what he accomplished but he did so with help.... as a person he is still wellllll different, course I am also).

But those programs that he was able to use are gone..... the loans and grants are not keeping up with tuitions andso education is becoming less and less of an option for many which means lower paying jobs, lower tax bases and people stuck in dead end jobs, while the media and people who have money ridicule these people for being lazy and not moving ahead on their own.

If a person does not have a belief they can advance and some form of hope and support from others they probably will not advance. My father among 10,000's his age recieved it from the government and it paid off .... So why can't we do it now? Why are we so damned set on corporate welfare and letting the people suffer?

I don't support corporate welfare. Never have, never will.

You on the otherhand, will use big government to protect Disney's copyright of a drawing of a mouse against "mom and pop". I knew a guy who owned a small icecream store, he played Disney cartoon video tapes for the kids, wow was that a mistake. You would have thought he murdered someone the way he was threatend by the folks at the "happiest place on earth".
We agree on corpoate welfare then, but it is funny how most people on the Right will argue against helping people but they don't speak out against corporate welfare.... in fact most defend the need for it.

As for Disney and the scenario above. I believe in copyrights and the protection of such. However, I find that the person owning the store could have very easily fought any lawsuit by proving he was not charging people to view the tapes. That he was showing them freely. And if Disney had issues then he could have said "Fine, I'll show Tom and Jerrys or Bugs Bunnys or Betty Boops or Popeyes." Having owned my own pizza restaurant at one time, I knew what I could show on my television and what I couldn't. As long as I didn't charge or I didn't have a free pay per view airing, I could show anything I wanted.

O.k. I give. We can use tax dollars for business loans and education. I am not sure I ever said we shouldn't, but we should. I just think there are better ways, more efficient ways to help people.
I agree I think there are better ways, but in society today, noone is coming up with them.

In fact it is the opposite, government is making it harder.

A great example is my profession. It use to be that recovering addicts could easily become counselors through a few years of mentoring, a written test and an oral exam. Then you needed some college work.....

Today you need all the above PLUS college and in 2008 a Master's degree.

It's going to destroy the industry and the true people that want to help. Because most recovering addicts cannot afford college, will not be able to afford the loans (as addiction counselling is a very low paying job dependant primarily on government grants and communities voting for tax increases.) It's why 90% of the industry is turning to corrections and the prison systems for funding. So the people off the street who need help but haven't committed crimes yet are not able to get the help they need, in 75% of the country.

It's like where AA was founded in St Thomas Hospital by Bill W. and Sister Ignatia. It is now owned by Summa health and instead of 2 floors and inpatient treatment they have reduced it to 6-10 beds, one must have insurance and meet criteria.

So how can you help people if the funding is not there?

Yet, fortune 500 companies and billionaires get all kinds of help through programs like ATPs, farm aid and so on, designed to help people get ahead.

I think the starting point is to get rid of the ATPs, the corporate welfare and the loopholes and allow the money to go where it truly is needed. In doing so, less tax money will probably be needed for these programs. As it stands now he who has the most expensive and best lawyers gets the money..... the poor guy who needs it but can't afford the lawyer doesn't get shit, except the blame for the programs and the money spent.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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