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I've often thought this would be useful to have on here. I propose that on this thread, people make a portfolio. Lets limit it to
ten images. Do as you would for a formal portfolio, they should be your best, but also diverse and unique. They should also be catered to what you enjoy, e.g: if you consider yourself a nature photographer, they should be mostly nature...a portrait artist? then portraits. (And yes, I know how hard it is to pick only 10, but muscle through it)
Comments are great, but lets try to keep each individual person's portfolio in one post, so if you take a better picture and want to change it later on, just edit that one post. Anyways, I hope this catches on, because I'm interested to see what people would use as their portfolio, and what they think is their best.
As my opinion changes every single day, I know I will keep coming back to edit this...I hope you all do too.
Here's mine: