I went over to the ESPN message boards to see what people thought of the Super Bowl. Boy, am I the only one that does NOT think the SB was rigged? LOL, sure there were some bad calls, but on both sides. A couple of the dropped balls by Seattle receivers were definitely fumbles and the refs ruled them incomplete. And I really thought that the offensive pass interference call against Seattle wasn't that bad. It was close to being ticky tack, but for sure he pushed off. You could see the defenders feet move back because of it. And just becuase people thought it was ticky tack, does that mean it shouldn't be called? Ref was just doing his job.
Also, I need clarification on the ball crossing the plane of the endzone rule. Is it a touchdown if the ball just makes it over the front of the painted line to the endzone? Or does it actually have to make past the front line to be called a touchdown? My understanding is that if it gets to the line it's good. I mean, I know for a fact that if the ball makes it over the corner pylon then it's a touchdown. And that pylon sits on the line. So that leads me to believe that just making it to the front of the line means it's good. And, after watching many replays with my DVR, I for sure saw that the ball in Ben R.'s grasp just make it over the front edge of the line.
Anyways, I thought it was a good game. Seattle did a great job defensively in the first half and I thought they had a chance to win it. Pitt just came up with some timely big plays.
And if you're wondering, no I'm not a Pitt fan