Originally Posted by squirrelyburt
Why is it so hard to believe that maybe as they have been called fanatics...Wether your Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, so on and so on. Why is it so hard to believe that Jesus couldn't have walked the earth several different times. Once as Buddha, once as Mohamad, once as Jesus and so on. They all have the same basic message. They each brought their followers to a higher place. So why is it so hard to believe that he may have come to this world several times. He is after all the Son of God. Maybe he came to teach us about himself and the creator. Each time he came it started out well, but then free will (politics) got involved and those who ran the religions put their own spin on things and left out crucial things. Things that would take us to a higher level of consciousness to be one with the creator. If they kept us relying on them they in turn became the Gods themselves. Rule by Fear not by love. They make us believe that our only way to god is thru them....Did you wonder why the Vatican has halls of records that we are not allowed to see. I believe they hide these things from us so that we don't realize God is always with us no matter what race or religion. You need not go thru clergy to have a relationship with God. You need only to ask for his ear.
It is so hard to beleive Jesus walked the earth as Buddha, Mohammed etc because the Christian faith is based on worshipping ONE and only ONE God.