Originally Posted by raeanna74
At 2:30 today Uncle David finally gave up the fight against Alzheimers. We went to see the family at the nursing home. Aunt Nancy was fairly calm but as we walked out of the room for the last time she broke down in the hall and seemed nearly ready to faint. The poor woman has hardly eaten the last few days and has spent most of her time simply waiting for the time to come.
It is fitting that he should go on a Sunday. He has been devoted to missionary and pastoral work for the past 60 years. He came to a knowledge of Christ and was born again on a plane in the pacific. He was burdened to give God's word to the Japanese but was refused to go as a missionary because of chronic health issues. During his years he planted 4 churches which are still thriving on their own. One of those churches my family and I joined when there were only 2 other families in the membership. The church now numbers in the hundreds. Among it's contributions to the community are it's ministry to the local juvinile detention center and local prison. Also to the local nursing homes. Several of the youth of this church have gone on as missionaries where Uncle David could not. He was also a high school science teacher in his early years. He was a brilliant man and highly energetic. He was small in stature, only 5'4" and very fit. What he did, he did with enthusiasm and his best. He and his wife were at my high school graduation, at my college graduation, at my marriage (he participated in the ceremony as a minister) and they came to see me in the hospital shortly after our daughter's birth. He and his wife were also there more than once while hubby was in the hospital in a coma.
He will be dearly missed by MANY people who's lives he touched in a positive way. I will look forward to seeing him once again.
I'm very sorry to hear that.
May he RIP.