DJ, the Danish government basically did apologise, they said that they could not apologise on behalf of a privately owned newspaper. The Norwegians etc got it right, freedom of speech should allow me to offend anyone I feel like (and they have the right to be upset or disagree), promising violence, direct threats etc is wrong but if I say in jest "lets kill all muslims" thats free speech, if I hold a rally which intends to disseminate information on and support the killing of muslims then that is probably not free speech covered.
There are many enlightened muslims, there are many enlightened christians, however it seems as a whole that Islam tends to produce more fanatics per worshiper than other religions. This is problematic in a world access to weapons, technology to produce weapons and transport is easy to acquire. The Clerics and suchlike calling these images distasteful but calling for rational discussion from the Islamic world I support however there are many clerics and governments instead either sitting back or "supporting" these actions. Attacking an Embassy is imo an act of war, for a goverment to sit back and allow its people to assault a soverign nations representatives in your country is outrageous (you might not like them but they are there for diplomatic reasons and as such should be protected).
How about the next time I am offended I declare a crusade and go wipe out or at least threaten to wipe out some civilisations, racial groups or religions? Doesn't really seem sensible now does it... I think the Bible got this one right, an Eye for an Eye, so they can reprint some cartoons mocking our faiths, but to take actions far beyond that?
The vatican support of this (and Jack Straw's) annoys me, religious taboos for members of that religion are for them not anyone else, sure I can be respectful however I am not forced to... Can I form a religion saying that beer is taboo, women should be naked and guys totally covered up and then complain when everyone else either disagrees with me or thinks I am a nutcase? I don't think I really have a case here.