Originally Posted by amonkie
I'm not sure exactly what they plan to do - but I think they are trying to boost instore circulation with the coupons - they also have the previewed movies for buying, snacks, etc - by getting you in the store for the free rental they're hoping you'll get distracted, heh.
I checked the website, and the coupons are only good for movie rentals. However, they now have GamePass, which is an unlimited rental for 21.99 a month for games, and you have 1 game out at a time. That requires going into the store to pick them out.
Ahh ok. Thanks for clearing that up.
I guess games are more valuable in the sense that they cost more retail and are also more expensive to rent.
Are new releases able to be rented readily, or do you generally have to wait for them to be rented out and returned? I know the stores run "Guaranteed to be there" promotions, but I am curious about how readily available new releases are when ordered/qued online.
Also, can you que "Coming Soon" movies and have them automatically shipped when they do hit the streets?
Again, many thanks for all these answers.