Originally Posted by FatFreeGoodness
And the cop is a veteran with no history of shooting or violence of any kind on his record, which makes it seem less likely that he is just a trigger happy thug.
I have heard, but not seen in print, the opposite of this. I'm sure the facts will come out in due time. Unless the facts are unfavorable, in which case the PD will try to squelch any reference to his record.
If my explanation is correct, the fault lies (mostly) in the officer being unable to clearly communicate in a stressful situation. They are specifically trained for this, since stressful situations are to be expected and the potential consequences are obvious. The officer should have been very clear in his commands, and he was not.
In a situation like that, I've never seen any cop do other than yell, in a VERY loud voice, "FREEZE, MOTHERFUCKER!!" or words to that effect.
Someone is still going to have to explain to me what part of their procedure manual states the cop is to tell a shooting victim to "Shut the fuck up."